Your neighbors have responded
Here’s what they are saying:
How do we get the city back on track?
Rivergrove development processes are not clear to us and even staff seems confused.
We are concerned about the traffic on Childs — particularly with the new school year starting.
We are interested in making this city work as we love living here.
I don’t like the lack of transparency and lack of communication – it used to be different.
Should the city really just be part of unincorporated Clackamas County?
We want to help, what can we do?
Community Concerns
An active group of citizens founded the City of Rivergrove in 1971 with the intent of an involved citizenry that would play an important role in decision making.
As our population has tripled, the opportunity for involvement has diminished to the point that the citizens don’t know what decisions are being considered by council and input provided is often ignored.
Specific issues that we see are:
There hasn’t been a Rivergrove Report in over a year or any formal communication to the citizenry except at council meetings.
When citizens do reach out to the city, questions and concerns often go unanswered.
40% of Rivergrove City Council was not elected by the citizens.
The city manager is the only paid position. There have been 4 city managers in the past 2 years and limited issue resolution.
Council has acted without notice or review by the community on important issues.
Proactive Communication & Transparency
We are a group of concerned citizens who expect our City Council to:
Engage actively with our citizenry
Update our land development document and codes to reflect where we are today not where we were 15 years ago
Fiscal responsibility with our limited resources
Proactively provide honest and direct communication about important issues and respond to questions asked in a timely manner